Ballroom Dance Rentals
Renting your next dance dress from Ballroom Dress Rental will save you money and allow you the freedom to wear a different dress each time you compete.
For questions or information about rentals, visit their website.
Call (610) 529-4478 or e-mail ballroomdressrental@yahoo.com
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Contact the Dance Instructors
Alan Saperstein ajsdance@aol.com
Noel Rodriguez aim4salsa@yahoo.com
Diane Alcavage dladancer@aol.com
Gabby Ford gabbyfdance@gmail.com
Denis Parfyonov denis@blueballroom.net
Tania Sopit tania@blueballroom.net
Mike Andino estilodancestudio.philly@gmail.com
Tommy Radon info@stormballroom.com
Christy Kam uhngry@gmail.com
Kristin Balmer k.balmer@gmail.com
Donna Boyle donnaboyledisco@aol.com
Colleen colleen@conciergeballroom.com
Barbara Carrion carrionbarbara1@gmail.com
Gene Lapierre lapierreballroom@gmail.com
Bill Sapp billsappiphone@gmail.com
Camille Ardary ardarycamille@gmail.com
Donna Lang donnamlang4211@gmail.com
Meredith Klein meredithklein@gmail.com
Carol Clark ccdancinglady@aol.com
Sandra Fortuna sandrafortuna@comcast.net
Ken Richard ken@blueballroom.net
Al Henry academy6452010@gmail.com